Breastfeeding Preparation Workshops

in Shrewsbury, Shropshire

Huge numbers of women experience hurdles in their feeding journeys, especially in the early days with a new baby.

I hear all the time from expectant Mum’s that they want to breastfeed “if they can", and it’s never as simple as that! So many more parents would achieve their feeding goals if they were prepared and informed about breastfeeding before their baby arrived.

Breastfeeding Preparation Workshops ensure you have the confidence and knowledge to give yourself and your baby the best start with feeding, and awareness of how and when to seek support if your breastfeeding journey isn’t going to plan.

So much thought goes into birth (which lasts a relatively short time) that often the postpartum period and how you plan to feed your baby gets forgotten.... until you’re in it!

If you want to get your feeding journey off to the best start, then the place to begin is by preparing during pregnancy.

We will cover a range of topics including;

  • How milk production works

  • Newborn behaviour and feeding cues

  • How to position and attach your baby for breastfeeding

  • Common problems and solutions

  • How to know whether feeding is going well, and when to ask for help

  • You will also learn about how to harvest colostrum during pregnancy and why this is so beneficial

You will be left feeling much more confident about beginning your feeding journey, and clued up about what support is available locally should you need any when your baby arrives.

Sessions are £60 per couple and held at Shrewsbury Osteopaths, where I work with Rowan, an experienced Paediatric Osteopath and Lactation Specialist to offer you a preparation class like no other in Shropshire!

We have based our teaching on the struggles we see daily in our practice supporting new families with feeding, where they regularly express they had known more, before their babies arrived. This level of preparation and support is essential and so often not covered in any antenatal classes you take.

(I can also offer a this as a 1-1 workshop (at a cost of £85) within the comfort of your own home if you prefer, or have specific personal circumstances you would like to go into in more detail.)

 If you’d like to book onto a workshop, please get in touch, or check out my social media for up to date information on upcoming workshops.

I’d love to hear from you for a no-obligation chat to see how I can support you & your family.